My favourite technologies I use everyday

I get asked a lot about the things I use to build software, stay productive, or buy to fool myself into thinking I’m being productive when I’m really just procrastinating. Here’s a big list of all of my favorite stuff.

Favourite Tech stack

  • Typescript

    I had experience in using java before, so when I used typescript where it enforces types, I was sold. I love the fact of how dynamic it can be used in web development.

  • MySQL

    I have used MySQL for a long time and I love the fact that it's free and open source. I have used it for personal projects and I have used it in my professional work.

  • NextJS

    NextJS makes making a full stack web app as fast as possible. It allows me to focus more on making a great product than worrying about the full architecture.

  • TRPC

    Type safe RPC framework for typescript. Who wouldn't want to use it with TS? I am starting to look into server actions with NextJS now so I will have to see whether it is still worth using.

  • Whatever the situation calls for

    When it comes to authentication, file storing, deploying, etc, I use whatever is best for the situation. I don't want to be tied down to a specific technology for everything.

Development tools

  • Visual studio code (ex VIM user)

    I love all the plugins that come with VSCode and the minimalist themes. I started off with IDEs like Jetbrains and it seemed like overkill for my needs. I tried using VIM for a while but I could not use other computers without my setup.

  • iTerm2

    I honestly use this over the default terminal because I can make it look nicer. Also, the split screen feature is nice.

  • TablePlus

    Great software for working with databases. I love how you can have a database schema visualiser for understanding the relations in the database.


  • Figma

    Figma is irreplaceable for me. I love the fact that I can work on designs with a developer mindset and it’s easy to share with other people.


  • Notion

    I use it to everything. For scheduling my tasks for the day, writing my articles and brainstorming. I can't wait to use it for a business as well.

  • Notion Calendar

    It used to be called Cron until Notion acquired it. I love the fact that I can see my notion tasks on the calendar and have shortcuts for creating tasks.

  • Raycast

    It's a spotlight search on steroids. I love the fact that there are shortcuts to opening up recent projects in vs code, looking at my calendar and even searching for emojis. It's a must have for me developing and increasing the speed of my workflow.